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First beta of the second generation of the Common Print Dialog Backends released!


We are now releasing the second beta of the second generation of the Common Print Dialog Backends (CPDB).

In the 4.9.4 version of GTK the Merge Request [1] for Gaurav Gulerias GSoC work [2] on adding CPDB support to GTK’s print dialog got finally accepted. To reach this goal, Gaurav also needed to do a lot of enhancements on CPDB itself, and when his merge request got accepted into GTK, CPDB 2.0b1 was already 2 months old and after that a lot of changes have been done, ending up with GTK’s CPDB support not building with any released version of CPDB [3]. Therefore we have now released version 2.0b2 of all the three components of the CPDB to allow easy building of the first CPDB-supporting GTK.

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/merge_requests/4930
[2] https://github.com/TinyTrebuchet/gsoc22/
[3] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/5589

The components we are currently maintaining got all updated and released as version 2.0b2.

We especially added support for starting print the dialog with a complete list of available printers and keeping the list up-to-date while the dialog is open. We also added support for option groups (like "Media", "Color", "Finishing", ...) and translations for option, choice, and group names, letting in the first place the backends obtain the translations from the printing system and/or the printer, before the frontend uses translations for standard names. And, as usual, there are many bug fixes.

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


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