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Bug#805357: cups-pdf: Print job with multiple input files doesn't work

Control: found 805357 3.0.1-14

Got bit by this on bullseye cups + (backported) sid cups-pdf.

In this case i can only reproduce this with a postscript file,
I'm using the attached one: specifying it thrice hangs the PDF process
below cupsd -l; I managed to unstick it by removing the respective
/var/spool/cups/d$job-* files and restarting cups.service.

In the case of attached, the output (when using just one) is
horrifically mangled, as compared to using something like gv(1)
(or a plain gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE  -r600  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite),
but that's another issue, I'm assuming? Or is this some aspect of this
postscript that explodes it both ways? Please advise.


Attachment: p1-20.ps.Z
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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