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CUPS 2.3.3op1: Possible delays when starting CUPS, autopkg tests in debian/tests/ not working


in the OpenPrinting fork of CUPS we got a contribution from Zdenek Dohnal switching cups to the systemd service typoe "notify":

commit e96e96b4bd0d4e6f634bbb66b95d6e475501541c
Author: Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal@redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 25 08:12:32 2020 +0100

[Fedora] cups.service.in: Use 'notify' service type and run after network.target

1) If the service is defined with 'simple' type, the result of 'systemctl' is 0 regardless of actual startup result, because it reports success/failure of forking process (even before cupsd is started). This way errors due bad configuration or programming errors are masked during systemctl invocation. The 'notify' type depends on executable sending a 'Im running' type of message to systemd after successful start and systemctl's return code depends whether this message came or not, which solves the issue. 2) The service needs to be started after all units needed for network.target are activated. This prevents starting cupsd before we have ports ready.

    Fedora bugs:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1153660 (adding network.target) https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1088918 (change of the service type)

This makes systemd waiting for cupsd giving an "I am up and running" notification on the socket /run/systemd/notify. As cupsd is under AppArmor control it cannot write to this socket and systemd gets stuck until reaching a timeout. This timeout leads to a significant delay when starting cupsd and also to the failure of all autopkg tests.

To fix this I have added

# CUPS is of systemd service type "notify" now, meaning that cupsd notifies
  # systemd when it is up and running, give CUPS access to systemd's
  # notification socket
  /run/systemd/notify w,

to the AppArmor profile debian/local/apparmor-profile in cups_2.3.3op1-5ubuntu1.

I recommend to update the Debian package appropriately.


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