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Re: ipp-usb in Ubuntu Main - Next obstacle: ronn

On 8/25/20 10:10 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
I (and Debian) consider it critically important to build binary from the preferred source, but feel free to remove this in Ubuntu.

An upstream-side alternative it to replace ronn with pandoc, or any other alternative.

Upstream side answer: pandoc brings MUCH more external dependencies that ronn. So if ronn is a problem, pandoc will be a BIG problem.

Actually, I don't see a lot of benefits from recompiling man page during packaging, and one disadvantage: ronn sets man page date to the current date at the moment of compilation, which will make a wrong illusion that Debian comes with the newer version of the man page, that any other distro.


	Wishes, Alexander Pevzner (pzz@apevzner.com)

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