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Bug#931363: Fails to create output PDF (permission denied)

ke 3. heinäk. 2019 klo 14.51 martin f krafft (madduck@debian.org) kirjoitti:
> I straced gs run directly (as user "nobody"), as well as gs run from
> cupsd. After replacing all hex addresses with 0xdeadbeef, the two
> traces are nigh identical, except cupsd seems to close FDs 0–2, so
> that when run from cupsd, the first FD used is 0, whereas it's 3
> otherwise.
> Apart from that, I see absolutely no difference in the syscalls
> until one of the fails to write the output file.
> Straces attached. Go ahead load them in vimdiff!

Thanks. Let's see if we can figure out what causes this.

Volker: please see the whole thread at


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