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Bug#916765: cups-browsed: Aborts when restarted with "BrowseFilter pdl postscript"

Hello Brian Potkin,
you might have a look at following commands to build a
complete local cups-browsed package with the upstream
patch included.

That may work better, as a plain make built shared lib
might be not enough compatible with the executable from
the debian package.

Just if you do not want to wait until the upstream
change hits testing.

Kind regards,

(as root)
apt install dpkg-dev devscripts
apt build-dep cups-filters

(as user)
mkdir ~/source/cups-filters -p
cd    ~/source/cups-filters
apt source cups-filters
cd cups-filters-1.21.4
dch --local local "Rebuild for #916765"

wget https://github.com/OpenPrinting/cups-filters/commit/ef71337fc231eb712a737ffd9aa6d32a95920457.patch -O - | patch -p1
find -iname "*.rej"
# should just output ./NEWS.rej

dpkg-buildpackage -b

(as root)
cd /home/user/source/cups-filters

dpkg -l | grep -E " $(ls -1 *.deb | cut -d_ -f 1 | xargs echo | sed 's/ /|/g') " | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/:i386//' | awk '{print $1 "_*.deb"}' | xargs echo dpkg -i
# check the output from above command and if ok execute it, should just install already installed files ...

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