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cups-filters 1.21.4 released!


I have released cups-filters 1.21.4 now, with the following changes:

	- cups-browsed: Limit the number of retries for
	  creating a print queue when it comes to HTTP
	  timeouts. Number of retries given by HttpMaxRetries
	  directive in cups-browsed.conf. Thanks to Zdenek Dohnal for
	  the patch (Pull request #73, Red Hat bug #1648697).
	- cups-browsed: Read out current time right before setting the
	  timeouts. Thanks to Zdenek Dohnal for the patch (Pull
	  request #71, Red Hat bug #1648697).
	- libcupsfilters: In the PPD generator for driverless IPP
	  printing let "*cupsManualCopies: true" lines get added to
	  the PPD if printing is done in a raster format as then
	  pdftopdf needs to generate the copies.
	- pdftoraster, pdftoopvp, pdftoijs: Fix build with Poppler >=
	  0.70 (Issue #69, Pull request #70).
	- pdftopdf: Fixed printing multiple copies on driverless IPP
	  printers. When printing collated copies the multiple copies
	  got applied twice, resulting in n*n instead of n copies
	  (CUPS issue #5433).
	- pdftoraster, pdftoopvp, pdftoijs: Poppler removed memCheck
	  and gMemReport functions, remove appropriate calls (Issue
	  #62, Pull request #66).

Bug fix release, mainly to prevent cupsd taking all CPU when cups-browsed is hammering on it, by correcting cups-browsed's way to handle timeouts. Fixes in pdftopdf and the PPD generator for driverless printing to avoid duplicate application of multiple copies options by both the filter and the printer. Code updates to build with newest versions of Poppler.

Please release this on Debian so that I can sync it into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


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