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Bug#855219: ghostscript: Please add gspcl

Hello Jonas,

Am 23.02.2017 um 17:49 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk>:

> [re-adding bugreport and setting same as reply-to]

I did that intentionally but I’m also okay with having some smirky remarks publicly accessible.

> Licensing issue is different - quoting from ghostpdl/pcl/LICENSE:
>> The set of truetype fonts in the urwfonts directory are necessary for 
>> the PCL/XL interpreter to function properly but they ARE NOT FREE 
>> SOFTWARE and are NOT distributed under the GNU GPL. They can instead 
>> be redistributed under the AFPL licence which bars commercial use.
> Seems (but need closer inspection) that the fonts are free except for 
> commercial use and therefore permitted in Debian non-free.

So I may look forward for a gpcl package for unstable in a not all to far future?

>> I’m tinkering with OS/400 in my spare time. Printing from there 
>> without embedded graphics always creates just PCL data. I’m currently 
>> developing an lpd-infilter which enables me to just throw PS or PCL 
>> data into the print queue on Linux and I’ll get a nice PDF generated 
>> and placed in the calling user’s home. At the moment it’s just in an 
>> „it works“ state but when I added proper error handling routines, I’ll 
>> release this as GPL OSS.
> Sounds like a fun project :-)

Yes, indeed!

:wq! PoC

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