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cups-filters 1.11.1 released!


I have released cups-filters 1.11.1 now, with the following changes:

	- pdftops: Added support for MuPDF as PDF renderer. MuPDF can
	  be selected by the "pdftops-renderer=mupdf" option.
	- rastertops: Removed unneeded page logging.
	- rastertops: Fixed DSC comments, some were only preceded by
	  a single '%' instead of a double "%%".
	- gstoraster, pdftops, foomatic-rip: Use -dNOMEDIAATTRS when
	  calling Ghostscript. This way Ghostscript does not try to
	  match media sizes with internal lists.
	- Build system: Allow building cups-filters without Poppler
	  (--disable-poppler in ./configure command line) This skips
	  the build of pdftoraster, bannertopdf, pdftoijs, and
	  pdftoopvp and the installation of these filters and their
	  auxiliary files. With this cups-filters can be easily
	  installed on mobile/appliance systems with MuPDF as the only
	  PDF interpreter.
	- mupdftoraster: Added filter to support MuPDF as PDF
	  interpreter. MuPDF is a lightweight PDF interpreter
	  especially interesting for mobile systems and
	  appliances. Thanks to Pranjal Bhor for contributing this as
	  part of his Google Summer of Code project.
	- gstoraster: Fix setting of width and height of the page in
	  pixels when there is no Resolution option in the PPD.
	- cups-browsed, implicitclass: Avoid the use of files for the
	  communication between cups-browsed and the load-balancing
	  backend implicitclass. Instead of in a file, cups-brwsed
	  stores the destination server name in an option (which CUPS
	  saves in printers.conf) which the implicitclass backend
	  reads via IPP. This not only makes it easier to run
	  cups-filters in a sandbox, but it is also better in terms of
	  system security.
	- cups-browsed: Allow configuring where the files produced by
	  cups-browsed will get stored. This makes it easier to run
	  cups-filters in a sandbox.
        - beh: Fixed printing multiple copies with beh (Ubuntu bug
	- cups-browsed: Fixed several memory leaks, especially when
	  using IPP requests and DNS-SD TXT record look-ups. Thanks to
	  Ivo Straka for finding them with Valgrind and supplying
	  patches to fix them (Bug #1365, Bug #1368, Ubuntu bug
	- libcupsfilters: Added missing "#include <cups/ppd.h>" to
	  make sure that the package builds on all systems (Bug

I have committed this already to the Debian GIT repo, but I have also released 1.11.1-0ubuntu1 (no changes compared to Debian repo) directly to Yakkety because of the Ubuntu Feature Freeze today. So you do not need to hurry this into Debian to meet the Ubuntu Freeze. I can sync the Debian releases again at any time after the Freeze if they are only bug fixes.


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