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Re: New packages on Debian/Ubuntu printing stack

On 02/16/2016 12:08 PM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
Hi Till,

Sorry for the relative silence on the list, I've been quite busy…


I have hit GPG subkey's expiration date, and I need to wait for the FTP-
Masters to sync the keyring again for me to be able to upload easily.
I'll try to find time to upload with my offline key…

OK. I have re-checked and Gutenprint is not so urgent, as it is a transition from 5.2.11pre-something to 5.2.11 final. Such a transition usually never adds features but it fixes the last bugs discovered during testing, So this is absolutely legitimate to do also after the Feature Freeze. This allows for one extra week, to be done before Beta 1 Freeze.

P. S.: By the way, foomatic-db upload would be great, too.

Same problem as above. Sorry :/

foomatic-db is data-only and could also go after Feature Freeze, but here I have already defined the source tarball, so taking a snapshot of the Debian GIT and releasing as a -0ubuntu1 is no problem here.

Only the ptouch-driver transition from 1.3 to 1.4 is a feature reease which should be done before FF, but I could do the -0ubuntu1 here, too.


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