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Bug#759348: cups-browsed: May hang for 90 seconds when restarted

I guess here is the same problem with the following setup:

BrowseRemoteProtocols dnssd cups
BrowseProtocols CUPS
BrowsePoll printserver

"printserver" is behind a openvpn (routed).

If I shutdown the system it hang for 90 seconds.
Stop cups-browsed before shutdown or add "TimeoutStopSec=5" to
/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/cups-browsed.service reduce the hang to exactly 5 seconds.

Maybe openvpn stop before cups-browsed which result in the timeout?
A machine in the same network (without openvpn) of the printserver doesn't show this problem with the 90 seconds hang.


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