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Bug#764472: cups creates millions of temporary files when printing

Hello Brian,

Some additional information:

The links are created when printing with evince, but not when printing
with lp. (Actually, printing with evince produces blank pages, but I
don't know whether this is related - maybe it's a problem of my pdf file.)

The links continue to be created after the print command from evince has
been given (about 500000 links per minute). During this, a process uses
most of the cpu, and it is

/usr/bin/python /usr/share/system-config-printer/scp-dbus-service.py

Killing this process, the creation of symlinks stops. So I guess this is
what creates this lot of symlinks.

I am not quite sure now whether this is a bug of evince, or of
system-config-printer or something else.


Il 09/10/2014 01:00, Brian Potkin ha scritto:
> Hello Antonio,
> Thank you for your report. The first thing to say is that this is very
> likely not to be a bug in cups. Please see
>   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/890705
> and
>   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=581748
> So - do you have acroread installed?
> On Wed 08 Oct 2014 at 14:04:46 +0200, Antonio Sartori wrote:
>> When trying to print (tried twice from evince, not tested from other
>> software), cups creates millions of symbolic links in /tmp to the ppd
>> driver in /etc/cups/ppd. The names of the symbolic links are similar
>> to 54351da228fae.
> Millions of links would imply lots of printing taking place and not just
> twice. Is that the case? Also, does it occur with other applications? We
> really need to track down under what circumstances the files are created
> and why they are not deleted by the application.
>> This causes the system to hang on the next reboot while systemd tries
>> to empty the tmp folder, making the system unbootable.
> Do you mean it hangs indefinitely and the machine has to powered off to
> be restarted?
>> Notice that deleting the files by hand is tricky, since they are too
>> many (rm does not work, it is not even possible to list the files with
>> ls), I don't know how to do this. For now, I rebooted the system using
>> a live dist and I typed mv /tmp /tmp2. This enables the system to boot
>> again. Help on how I can delete the folder tmp2 would also be
>> appreciated.
> I'm surprised 'ls -l' doesn't work. Is there any error message? What
> about 'ls -l | head'.
> 'rm -r /tmp2' should delete /tmp2.
> Regards,
> Brian.

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