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Bug#732440: ghostscript: Error: /typecheck in /findfont with fonts-font-awesome installed

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 21:14:59 -0500, Mike Miller wrote:
> Ghostscript produces the following error when operating on a postscript file
> that references an unknown font name, but only when the fonts-font-awesome
> package is installed:

After a bit more digging and narrowing down, this error seems to be
completely due to any WOFF fonts installed under /usr/share/fonts. This
is apparently a new font format that ghostscript doesn't seem to know
what to do with.

There are two packages in the Debian archive that install WOFF fonts
under /usr/share/fonts so far, fonts-font-awesome and fonts-meera-taml.
Installing either of those packages produces this ghostscript error.

Manually deleting just the .woff file from either package and re-running
fc-cache -s restores ghostscript to working order. This serves as a
workaround for me for now.


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