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Bug#697970: cups: printing gets wrong after some pages on Epson Stylus Photo 750

Le mardi, 22 janvier 2013 21.23:46, Denis Prost a écrit :
sorry if this is a little out of topic but, after thinking over it, I
just wondered why it would not be fixed during wheezy frozen state,
since it's a bug (printer does not work properly, and normal users
should not be expected to know the lpadmin command that fixes it).
The description you give makes this bug at most "important" (so below RC
severity), see the bugs severity descriptions [0], because cups still works
for most people.

Or maybe you mean that it is not a critical bug that prevents wheezy
from being released, but it will be fixed later during wheezy life cycle ?
Don't care about answering that message if you think the printing team
is going to do it.
Well, there's no real "printing team" voice, but as I'm currently maintaining
cups, I'll answer. :)

What we have now is a workaround, not a patch, so it's not something we can
just "add to cups" and have it fixed for everyone. I have pinged the Ubuntu
cups maintainer (who happens to have a lot more experience with these issues)
to see if we could have a patch applicable to cups.

That said, once we have a patch (probably in the backend/usb-libusb.c quirks
list), I would be opting to include it in Wheezy, but it would still need to
pass the Release Team's review. They are currently struggling with way too
much Release-Critical bugs and even if that patch "make Wheezy better", it
wouldn't be a step towards releasing Wheezy, so I can't promise it'll make it.



Thanks a lot for your answer OdyX, and for taking care of that bug.
I understand Debian people have a lot to do with critical bugs and surely there's no emergency to fix this one, since there is a workaround. It' fine if it is fixed, one day or another, to avoid other people having to face it.


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