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Bug#619306: ghostscript segfaults on some eps file

A small update to the step-by-step instructions (use a preferences-file
instead of synaptic to do package pinning since the pinning feature of
synaptic didn't quite seem to work on my system).

For people who are just interested in a quick and dirty fix right here
and now, here's the gist:

Step-by-step instructions for downgrade-quickfix for amd64:
> (Use at your own risk!)
> 1) wget 'http://ftp.uninett.no/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lcms/liblcms1_1.16-7ubuntu1_amd64.deb'
> 2) sudo dpkg --install liblcms1_1.16-7ubuntu1_amd64.deb
> 3) Pin the package at that version so that it won't be upgraded again.

Step-by-step instructions for downgrade-quickfix for i386:
> (Use at your own risk!)
> 1) wget 'http://ftp.uninett.no/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lcms/liblcms1_1.16-7ubuntu1_i386.deb'
> 2) sudo dpkg --install liblcms1_1.16-7ubuntu1_i386.deb
> 3) Pin the package at that version so that it won't be upgraded again.

To pin the package, create a file /etc/apt/preferences.d/01pin-liblcms1
with the following content:
Package: liblcms1
Pin: version 1.16-7ubuntu1
Pin-Priority: 1001


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