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Bug#586644: Unnecessary dbus warnings

Package: hplip
Version: 2.8.6.b-4
Severity minor

I am running hplip on a headless, embedded device. I see absolutely
no reason or benefit in running d-bus on this machine, and so
I don't. Yet, hplip seems to think that everyone is running d-bus,
which is a shame.

Hence, every print job, and every scan job is accompanied by a slew
of errors and warnings in syslog, as if hplip thinks the world has
come to an end because it could not talk to d-bus.

I'd prefer if hplip didn't vacuously depend on obviously optional
stuff (printing and scanning work), but the trend is obvious and
ubiquitous and fighting gratuitous dependencies is like fending off
the incoming flood with a sieve.</rant>

Assuming hplip cannot dlopen() d-bus stuff and thus make it
a recommendation, rather than a hard dependency, at least it would
be nice if it noticed once at the start that d-bus is not working on
the system and shuts up about it subsequently.

  vizier HP_LaserJet_3052?ip= prnt/backend/hp.c 528: dBus Connection Error (Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)!
  vizier HP_LaserJet_3052?ip= prnt/backend/hp.c 511: dbus message send failed!
  vizier HP_LaserJet_3052?ip= prnt/backend/hp.c 511: dbus message send failed!

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer               http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck    http://vcs-pkg.org
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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