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Bug#533186: [Pkg-cups-devel] Bug#533186: Bug not fixed, sorry

Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
2009/6/18 Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>:
Sorry, but cups depends on ghostscript-cups since it cannot work without

AFAIK only certain printers depend on ghostscript-cups.  Till can
correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes, that's it. ghostscript-cups contains the pdftoraster, pstoraster, and pstopxl filters and PPDs for the pstopxl filter. It is only needed for CUPS Raster drivers. Therefore the CUPS Raster driver packages of Ubuntu (splix, cups-driver-gutenprint, hplip-cups) depend on this package. Also lsb depends on this package as the LSB standardizes the CUPS Raster driver interface. Debian should also make these packages require ghostscript-cups. The cups package only recommends ghostscript-cups, as it is not always needed, for example if PostScript printers or printers with built-in Ghostscript drivers are used, this package is not needed.

ghostscript-cups depends on cups, as CUPS must be running so that the PPD files of existing queues which use the pstopxl driver in this package get auto-updated when this package gets updated. In addtion, the files in ghostscript-cups only make sense together with CUPS.

However, if we indeed depend upon ghostscript-cups because it was
split from the main ghostscript package (a bad idea, IMHO),

The splitting is done to avoid ghostscript to depend on CUPS for the PPD updating. ghostscript is often used without CUPS, for screen display or for use with non-CUPS printing environments (LPRng, ...).

then we'll
need to upgrade the Depends and Recommends of both ghostscript-cups
and cups.

The package dependencies which I have mentioned here are the ones implemented in Ubuntu Karmic. Please use the same ones in Debian.


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