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Bug#474994: Localized ppd

OK, I spent some time digging.
I have identified the issue with cups-genppdupdate overwriting in english any localized ppd. I will file a separate bug (and provide a patch) for that soon.
With that, no need to re-generate a localized ppd everytime the package is upgraded. However, I still need to generate the initial version of the localized ppd (i.e. on a fresh install) because higher level tools such as gnome-print only create "on the fly" ppds in english (there is ground to file a wishlist bug there also).
So there seems to me that cups-genppd will still be needed and I suggest you re-introduce it in the next major release of gutenprint.
I hope this make sense. If not, I'm ready to clarify.
2008/5/14, Paul Thomas <pw1517@gmail.com>:
It's about cups-genppd suppression.
Currently, I'm using cups-genppd to create localized (i.e. non-english) ppd files. If you drop cups-genppd, how will localized ppd files be generated "on the fly". It seems that, for example, gnome printing tools fail to do so.
On top of that, cups-genppdupdate constanlty overwrites the localized messages with the "C" locale one, thus necessitating to use cups-genppd to re-generate them.
I may not be clear, so please ask for different or more detailed information.
Thanks in advance for your help
Paul Thomas

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