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Re: Bug#451502: hplip is NON-FREE as of 2.7.10

Am 2007-11-17 17:13:41, schrieb Bruce Sass:
> The way I see it:
> - if all HP printers required non-free software which a user was
> required to download then HPLIP would already be in contrib because
> it would be useless without additional proprietary software

I have 5 HP Printers (3 Laser and two DeskJet)
which have never used proprietary drivers...

> - if all HP printers shipped with all drivers and firmware they
> require then HPLIP would be in main because no other software would be
> necessary for HPLIP to be fully functional, regardless of whether the
> drivers and firmware were proprietary or not

OK, when I have bought the Printers, I have had Floppies of a Mini-CD to
install there Driver-Stuff.  And I had copied some ppd (???) stuff to
get ONE of my Laser-Printer running under Linux.

So this mean, IF you have bought a HP-Printer, you have gotten Floppies
or a CD with the original HP-Drivers and this mean, Debian CAN
distribute such prnter definitions or hpow they are called..

> - if HP shipped Linux drivers and firmare with the printers they would
> still need to provide an update mechanism and Debian would be pressured
> to package it

So better use an autodownloader for the updates BUT let it not start
automaticaly.  Only on EXPLICIT user request.

> or is it a convenience function which makes life easier for everyone
> (users have the nicest possible experience, no extra work or packages
> for Debian, HP gets the control they want), and ripping it out could
> be construed as unnecessarily hampering a users right to use whatever
> software the want regardless of its freeness (which would violate the
> Social Contract)?

Then I have the question: "Why have they bought THIS printer, which
                           works only with NON-FREE software?"

If I have bought the printer, I have already a legal license to use
the proprietary driver and I think, the installer should be support
downloading the stuff from the Internet or be able, to look on the
CD distributet with the printer to get the driver...

But I think, Debian should ask HP for a legal distribution license.

> If it is a thin-edge then we may as well just put HPLIP into contrib
> and save ourselves a bunch of work in the long run.


> If the convenience of having an update mechanism included in software
> providing more functionality is great enough then Debian should do the
> short term work and come up with some guidelines with respect to: how
> much functionality is needed for the software to be considered more
> than just an installer, and what kind of functionality the non-free
> blob being managed is allowed to contain.
> If it is deemed desirable to have HPLIP in main but undesirable for it
> to manage non-free blobs of any description the offending code should
> be ripped out of HPLIP and packaged for inclusion in non-free. However,
> I think this route pretty much guarantees the maximum amount of work in
> both the short term and long run because we would need to create and
> maintain a fork of HPLIP.

I think, this is very undesired...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Open Hardware Developer
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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