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Bug#190251: 2, a cross platform vector drawing application based on SVG.

CDPN Moves To Corners GPS Market In China!

China Datacom Corp.
Close: $0.065

CDPN announced Friday that is has acquired all outstanding shares of
General Link Information Systems, Chinas only GPS vehicle monitoring and
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bigger. Read the news and get on CDPN first thing Monday!

And of course bug fixes, speed ups and other little improvements
2007-02-07: Sketsa SVG Graphics Editor 4.
2 released Kiyut just released Sketsa SVG Graphics Editor 4. 2 player
based on the AmanithVG engine. They are compatible with Firefox 2, Opera
9. The additional functionality is built on top of SVG Tiny 1.
2007-01-18: SVG-Based Personal Inflation Calculator for the UK The UK
Office for National Statistics published an interactive visualisation
tool (charts, tables, etc.
0: Big Update to Handy Comics Layout Software Version 2.
The good thing is, if you open the SVG in a browser like Firefox, the
embedded javascript will update some sections of the image.
For more information on this releases, go to the Renesis Website, where
you can also download the latest 0. 2007-02-27: MapViewSVG 6 now
available The MapViewSVG team is proud to announce the release of
version 6.
:-) Do you have any interesting ideas for cool widgets for a day
0 Engine Released AmanithVG engine is a cross-platform OpenVG 1.
5 After considerable refactoring, the Renesis SVG Player 0. We greatly
appreciate your feedback in our bugtracker and forums.
html 2007-03-05: Mobile SVG at MoMo Sydney Tonight MobileMonday Sydney's
March event's theme will be "rich media content" and will be featuring
Mobile SVG as a key enabler technology in that field. 45 Released With
this newest version, Inkscape (a vector drawing tool) now features the
Gaussian Blur filter that allows you to softly and naturally blur any
object. 0 Released Kiyut just released Sketsa SVG Graphics Editor 4.
:-) Do you have any interesting ideas for cool widgets for a day
org website which has a comprehensive list of links. 2007-03-03:
Balloonist v2.
1 Test Suite News Feed (RSS 1.
This is the first release of Batik in approximately two years, and
brings many new features and improvements over version 1.
After that, the judges will select a logo within five days from the
submission closing date. SVG Print is a set of guidelines to produce
final-form documents in XML suitible for archiving and printing. In the
demo you can see a pie chart which is drawn using SVG. This page is also
available as an RSS feed. Read on for the full story.
AmanithVG is entirely built on top of OpenGL (from 1. html 2007-03-05:
Mobile SVG at MoMo Sydney Tonight MobileMonday Sydney's March event's
theme will be "rich media content" and will be featuring Mobile SVG as a
key enabler technology in that field. Besides SVG output, MathML is also
:-) Do you have any interesting ideas for cool widgets for a day
planner? SVG Developers Centre (in Japanese).
0, a cross platform vector drawing application based on SVG.
7beta1, a Java-based toolkit for processing SVG. The SVG Mobile
Profiles: SVG Basic and SVG Tiny are targeted to resource-limited
devices and are part of the 3GPP platform for third generation mobile
phones. :-) Do you have any interesting ideas for cool widgets for a day
:-) Do you have any interesting ideas for cool widgets for a day
planner? nl SVG links resource Links Many of these pages have lists of
further links.
2007-02-07: Inkscape 0. org (public archive).
2007-03-13: AmanithVG v1. SVG Print is a set of guidelines to produce
final-form documents in XML suitible for archiving and printing. Members
may consult the Member-only REX PAG home page for more information. 0
Engine Released AmanithVG engine is a cross-platform OpenVG 1.
Something like creating widgets for your day planner !
The SVG Working Group and Web API Working Group jointly develop this
specification. org website which has a comprehensive list of links.
They are compatible with Firefox 2, Opera 9.
I like this layout a lot ! 0 Released Kiyut just released Sketsa SVG
Graphics Editor 4. The PAG was launched in response to disclosures by
France Telecom related to the Remote Events for XML (REX) specification.
It features various tools for optimizing content creation, giving
designers unsurpassed support for creativity.
SVG Developers Centre (in Japanese).
For customizing the layout, you can again use Inkscape or SodiPodi. 2
player based on the AmanithVG engine. html 2007-03-05: Mobile SVG at
MoMo Sydney Tonight MobileMonday Sydney's March event's theme will be
"rich media content" and will be featuring Mobile SVG as a key enabler
technology in that field.

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