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Re: State of the PpdPrintingSpecification?

Matthias Klose <doko@ubuntu.com> writes:

> Many packages still have the /usr/share/cups/model directory hardcoded,
> in most cases it's derived from cups-config --datadir.  I'm proposing to
> add an option --modeldir to cups-config, that points to /usr/share/ppd
> on Debian based systems. A fallback safe call to get the model dir would be
>   d=$(cups-config --modeldir) || d=$(cups-config --datadir)/model; echo $d
> which would work for backports as well.
> Is anybody working on gutenprint to comply with the spec?

I can switch to using /usr/share/ppd/gutenprint at any time.  I would
rather have the CUPS ppd symlink in place before making the change
(/usr/share/cups/model/ppd -> /usr/share/ppd).

I'm still not sure that the Gutenprint PPDs are "generic" PPDs:

- They only work with the CUPS spooler, because they contain special

    *cupsVersion:   1.1
    *cupsModelNumber: "0"
    *cupsManualCopies: True
    *cupsFilter:    "application/vnd.cups-raster 100 rastertogutenprint.5.0"
    *cupsFilter:    "application/vnd.cups-command 33 commandtoepson"

  A PPD is, by definition, a definition for a PostScript printer, but
  these PPDs are merely a "bridge" between CUPS and the libgutenprint
  filter, rastertogutenprint.  Without the magic, they are useless.
  Are they really suitable for inclusion?

  Note that with CUPS 1.2, we will not provide any PPDs at all.  We
  provide a small generator program, and the CUPS daemon can generate
  them on the fly.  Admin tools will then have to do this all through
  CUPS, which AFAICT they can do now if they wish.

- While admin tools legitimately need to access them, they will always
  be CUPS-specific.  Should CUPS-specific admin tools use only the
  generic location, or would looking under /usr/share/cups/model
  (which will also include the generic PPDs) be better?


Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?  http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/
                Debian GNU/Linux        http://www.debian.org/
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