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Bug#321435: Unrecoverable error: typecheck in .getdeviceparams on s390

Package: gs-gpl
Version: 8.15-2
Severity: serious
Architecture: s390


on s390 (but not on any other debian arch) the new version of gs-gpl
fails when converting a (specific) file with fig2dev:

| [sid] weasel@raptor:~/tor/tor-$ fig2dev -L pdf cell-struct.fig cell-struct.pdf
| Unrecoverable error: typecheck in .getdeviceparams
| Operand stack:
|     false  --nostringval--  InputAttributes  --nostringval--  0  --nostringval--  PageSize  --nostringval--  -2048  --nostringval--  --nostringval--
| fig2dev: broken pipe (GhostScript aborted?)
| command was: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sAutoRotatePages=None -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=cell-struct.pdf - -c quit

The previous version (8.01-5) did not have this bug, it works without

I have attached the file in question.

It would be great if you could fix this quickly, since this regression
causes a FTBFS for tor FTBFS on s390 (and severity serious for that

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Attachment: cell-struct.fig
Description: application/xfig

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