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Re: Install failure debian-12.0.0ppc64-NETINST-1.iso on G5 Power Mac


please use one of the older ISO images from the snapshot folder on the server.

There is currently a known regression with the latest images that I have not been able to resolve yet.

I think this image should work:


I‘ll verify that tomorrow as it’s already late here.


On Mar 27, 2024, at 10:12 PM, AurelianStoicist <AurelianStoicist@proton.me> wrote:

U P D A T E   to previous mail from Mar 25, 2024

I have finally managed to get the CD to be recognized via resetting Open Firmware as follows:

Upon system boot into Open FIrmware (simply holding power button though long beep and opening chime for another 10 seconds), I changed the setting for boot-load as follows:

1) setenv auto-boot? false
2) printenv auto-boot?
3) dev / ls.    —> searching for address of the system ATA optical drive
4) dev /ht/pci@3/ata-6@d/disk
5) devalias ud /ht/pci@3/ata-6@d ls
6) setenv boot-device ud:,\\:tbxi
7) printenv boot-drive
8) mac-boot

Upon boot, the system comes up with the menu to install debian 
  • typed yes to auto-install during install instance 1  and 
  • typed yes to default install during install instance 2 
  • the following screen image comes up (system is frozen)

<2024-03-27 13.51.31.jpg>

What am I missing/ doing incorrectly? 

Still hoping to load Debian 12 on my G5 Power Mac to a) properly learn Linux and b) increase productivity. 
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated…

Thank you very much
Thomas Mueller
Hendersonville, NC

Hello JPA Glaubitz, 

first of all thank you for your dedicated work in dealing with the problems of loading Debian 12 onto the old Mac G5 Power PC machine infrastructure. 

I recently tried to install your latest iso debian-12.0.0-ppc64-NETINST-1.iso onto my Dual 1.8GhZ G5 Power PC. After burning the iso file to a new R/W CD and inserting it into the optical drive, the iso file on the CD was not recognized, regardless if I held down Option/ Alt during boot-up or the C-key. I have no idea if my system’s boot-loader utilizes Legacy or EUFI, but every time I utilized the CD with the burned iso file, the system started up from the regular HD.

No idea where to go from here, as my system does not respond like Retro Action’s Youtube video install.  I simply do not get any boot option on my screen...

Any ideas?

Vielen Dank und viele liebe Grüsse aus den USA 

Thomas Mueller  

Aurelian Stoicist
<2024-03-27 13.51.31.jpg>
<publickey - AurelianStoicist@proton.me - 0x151601AF.asc>

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