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Re: Update on the hfs package

Perhaps asking to Marco LANDI at info AT quest-it.com?

Or sending a petition to Apple?

Le 18/06/2023 à 11:55, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz a écrit :

I have made some more progress on the hfs package to the point that it
now builds fine on Linux. I have not tested the binaries yet, except for
a quick "mkfs.hfsplus" which seemed to work.

All the changes can be found in the "linux" branch in [1]. I have also
added a TODO file for Linux called "TODO.linux" which lists the remaining
work to be done.

Once I have worked through all the TODO items, the next task should be to
thoroughly test the code before submitting updated packages to both Debian
and openSUSE.

As for the licensing question: I have not heard yet back from Apple Legal
yet, unfortunately. However, according to the Wikipedia article on Apple's
APSL license [2], Apple has relicensed some of their APSL-licensed projects
to the Apache License in the past, so there is hope.

I also got some information on the HFS+ utilities developed by Paragon and
it turns out that these unfortunately do not support legacy HFS at all.

So, the best would be that Apple decides to relicense the hfs package to
use the Apache License. If anyone has possible communication channels to
Apple which they can use, please give it a try and see if you can contact
anyone at Apple that could help with the license change.


[1] https://github.com/glaubitz/hfs/tree/linux
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Public_Source_License

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