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Re: Updated installation images for Debian Ports 2023-06-06


With https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/snapshots/2023-06-06/debian-12.0.0-powerpc-NETINST-1.iso, it's the first time I can fully install Debian on my virtual iMac G3/G4 in AQUEMU.

But after first reboot, I've got this:


and then, this:


And after, screen remains black before showing desktop.

I did the installation with these parameters: https://infolib.re/Installer_Linux_sur_un_ordinateur_Apple_Macintosh_equipe_d_un_microprocesseur_PowerPC

Le 06/06/2023 à 15:52, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz a écrit :

I have created updated installation images for Debian Ports.

These can be found here:

- https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/snapshots/2023-06-06/

I have already successfully tested the sparc64 installer.


Passez à Linux : https://infolib.re

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