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Re: netinst ppc64 2022-03-24 fails to install GRUB boot loader

On 3/27/22 7:56 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:
> ...
> The 64bit netinst seems to work fine until we get to the GRUB install
> stage and perhaps the previous syslog and partman files I submitted
> will shed some light. Otherwise a very stable machine that usually
> just runs fine is now quite dead until further notice.

I don't know whether this will help, but if you are able to boot Mac OS
X from an external firewire drive, or even a Mac OS X installation CD
(go to the Utility menu), you might try formatting sda2 as HFS. You
could also use firewire target disk mode and format sda2 as HFS from
another Mac running OS 9 or OSX <= 10.6.x.

Then repeat the Debian installation, choose a default installation,
select manual partitioning with sda3 as your linux rootfs partition
(format it as ext4 or ext3), and pick sda2 as your grub partition (do
not format it if you were able to format it earlier as HFS, but mount at
/boot/grub). It might also work to format your sda2 partition as HFS
from the Debian partitioner in the installer, but it sounds like that
might not be working for some reason (that's just a guess).

This assumes your partitions are the following:

sda1 - partition map
sda2 - GRUB partition (needs to be formatted as HFS)
sda3 - linux rootfs
sda4 - swap

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