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Re: GRUB doesn't install

Le 20/07/2020 à 15:18, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz a écrit :
On 7/20/20 12:57 PM, David VANTYGHEM wrote:
and at the end of the installation, GRUB doesn't install :
I don't speak French, so a French error message won't help much.

Also, I need the contents of /var/log/syslog, as this message basically
just says that the GRUB installation failed.

I also need to know which image was used and what the machine configuration


The image is this : https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/2020-05-30/debian-10.0.0-powerpc-NETINST-1.iso

And I'm using this BIOS : https://www.ilande.co.uk/tmp/qemu/openbios-ppc-grubfix

The machine configuration is :

/usr/bin/qemu-system-ppc \

-monitor stdio \

-M mac99 \

-k fr \

-machine accel=tcg \

-m 512 \

-cdrom /home/david/Bureau/debian-10.0.0-powerpc-NETINST-1.iso \

-hda /home/david/Documents/Informatique et téléphone/Documentation informatique/Macintosh/Debian_10_LXDE \

-virtfs local,id=shared_folder_dev_0,path=/home/david/Bureau,security_model=none,mount_tag=shared0 \

-boot _once_=c,menu=on \

-net nic,macaddr=00:a2:6d:80:10:8f,model=rtl8139 \

-net user \

-net user,smb=/home/david/Bureau \

-rtc base=localtime \

-name "Debian + LXDE sur iMac G3" \

-bios /home/david/Bureau/openbios-ppc-grubfix

For /var/log/syslog, I don't know how to catch it. I can't boot the virtual machine as GRUB did not install. I tried to mount the qcow2 image with libqcow-utils but it did not work. I will make a new installation (3-4 hours) if I find how to catch the log.

Installer facilement Linux : http://infolib.re

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