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Re: New discussion: ppc64 installer -- ext2 /boot partition to keep sabot happy.

On 10/06/2017 10:56 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
I tried the latest:  "Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 "Sid" - Unofficial ppc64 NETINST 20171005-07:56”

I did an “expert” mode install.  At partitioning time, I created an 8MB bootable partition and a 250MB ext2 partition for /boot.

There was no “grub” entry in the main menu of the installer [*], so I went ahead and installed yaboot.

Oh, this must have broken recently. I will give it a try later today and see why that's the case. The
grub-installer package is definitely now officially built for ppc64 and sparc64 [1], so I'm not sure
why it's not showing up for you.

It booted fine.  After booting I installed the “grub2” packages (and all its dependent packages)
mounted the bootstrap HFS partition at /boot/grub, and tried to run grub-install.  This ran for a
bit then errored out with the message:
     error cannot write to `/boot/grub/…` No space left on device.

looking at what it had written, all 8MB was indeed nearly full.  The largest part was 4.1MB taken
up by /boot/grub/locales and 1.5MB of fonts.

Ok. Thanks for testing that.

I didn’t use any options for grub-install.  There may be some way to trim down the un-needed stuff,
but I didn’t dig into it that far.  If not, then 8MB isn’t enough space for Grub.
It shouldn't be a problem to increase the default partition size in this case to something
like 10-16 MiB, depending on what we need. The 8 MiB limitation exists on PREP only if
I understand correctly.


[1] https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=grub-installer&suite=sid

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
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