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Re: ntp dies after a while....

On Sep 30, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Niels S. Eliasen wrote:

I don't know how the system clock gets so far off from UTC -- maybe indicative of a hardware problem? Are you, maybe, using anything besides NTP to set your clock? Maybe one of your servers ( springs to mind) is serving bogus time?

ok.... so it's a "design feature" ... no big deal... I'll probably stick with the "-g" option then.....
It's running on a 400Mhz Tibook ... so it is low-powered....
and although "ntpdate" is run on boot.... the Tibook still loses some 10-13 seconds in between "ntpd" wakes up....

OK. Now we know what's causing it. When your laptop goes into low- power mode, the clock runs at an incorrect rate. When it comes back to full-power mode, the clock isn't getting synced.

Maybe there's a way to get control at entering and exiting sleep mode. I don't know -- never felt the need for a Linux based laptop. If so (anybody out there know?) you could put in an ntpdate call then.

Or maybe if you read the ntpd man page carefully -- there may be a back-door way to get the ntpd "sanity window" set *very* wide. It's worth a try.


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