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Re: G3 Beige Tower install help

Hi Stephen,

In your place, I would take the following route:

In OS 9:

(1) download BootX from
http://penguinppc.org/historical/benh/BootX_1.2.2.sit, and install it,

(2) download Debian kernel and initrd from
and http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/etch/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/initrd.gz,
and place them into :System Folder:Linux Kernels,

(3) place the Debian netinst CD into a CD drive,

(4) Run BootX application (alternatively install BootX extension, and reboot).

(5) When Bootx asks you to choose your OS, before doing so, press on
Options, and select the initrd (Use specified RAM disk) (with BootX
extension variant, you have to be careful to stop the clock from
counting down, this can be done by writing a space into More kernel
arguments field).

(6) Press on Save to prefs, in case you don't succeed on first try,
and need to try again with a different command line, or the CD in
another drive.

(7) Press on Linux, and hope the best.

Good luck,

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