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Re: Java Fun in Debian PPC

On 05.04.2007, at 08:55, Dean Hamstead wrote:
hey all,

there may be a debain java list, but im no on it and this isnt super important, so being that this query is related to ppc i will put it here ;)

for various reasons i am enjoying tinkering with java on my debianized ibook dual usb. obviously suns java isnt available (which is fine, im not a hater) so i have been tinkering with various alternatives.

i have the gjc going and i have been successful in using ibm's java for powerpc (using java-package to keep it debian-centric)

firstly, is there a debian way of pointing the /usr/bin/java to the jvm you plan to use? it points at /etc/alternatives/java, which then points to a binary. i have just relinked this, but am curious if there is debian tool to manage

update-alternatives --config java

secondly, im curious if there is an iceweasel plugin that will run applets using ibm's rather than the gnu java.

Take look in the Ubuntu Wiki - they have a description for that wich also works on Debian. BTW, it also covers update-alternatives!



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