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iMac G4- etch install iso - xorg

Hello at DebianPPC,

after I was done with Ubuntu DapperDrake on my iMac G4/800 I tried the current Debain etch install-iso and was very pleased. Not only that everything worked, it worked as expected. Even Xorg, which don't start.

What about the following message that keeps disturbing the terminal / console:
ieee1394: sbp2: aborting sbp2 command
sr 0:0:0:0:
	command: Read Capacity (10): 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Looks like it found the external Firewire DVD burner. I don't care if it's a bug or a feature, but how can I stop it without disconnecting the external burner?

Back to Xorg. It won't start out of the box. Same thing as Ubuntu, I managed that somehow. But now I don't have a glue and I don't find any information within the Xorg.0.log what's gone wrong. Furthermore, I can't change the xorg.conf via dpkg-reconfigure. Xorg.0.log as attachment.

Thank you for any help.

Attachment: Xorg.0.log
Description: Binary data

Ralf Saalmüller
Amonshöhe 26
97437 Hassfurt


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Description: Signierter Teil der Nachricht

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