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G5 powermac installer queries

 Hi, me again.

I won't have a network connection with kernels < 2.6.14 (I need that to get sungem support for my PHY), so I'm trying to install from the weekly d-i binary CD 1. This seems to go ok until it gets to installing yaboot, then it fails with the following messages (sorry about the long lines)

yaboot-installer: info: probed: /dev/discs/disc0/part3:Mac OS X:MacOSX:macosx
yaboot-installer: debug: mapped: /dev/sda3
kernel: ioctl32(nvsetenv:3998): Unknown cmd fd(7) cmd(20007043){' '} arg(00000000) on /dev/nvram
yaboot-installer: mkofboot: Finding OpenFirmware device path to `/dev/sda2'...
yaboot-installer: ofpath: /proc/device-tree is broken. Do not use BootX to boot, use yaboot.
yaboot-installer: ofpath: The yaboot HOWTO can be found here: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/doc
yaboot-installer: mkofboot: Unable to find OpenFirmware path for boot=/dev/sda2
yaboot-installer: mkofboot: Please add ofboot=<path> where <path> is the OpenFirmware path to /dev/sda2 to /etc/yaboot.conf
[...snip similar for /dev/sda3...]
yaboot-installer: mkofboot: Try specifying the real OpenFirmware path for macos=/dev/sda3 in /etc/yaboot.conf
yaboot-installer: error: mkofboot failed with exit status 1

I can edit /target/etc/yaboot.conf from a shell, so I thought I would add 'device=hd:' but there doesn't seem to be any way to tell the installer that I have a (hopefully) workable yaboot.conf. So, I think I need to run ybin from the shell. But, everything, even /dev, is mounted under /target.

I need to use -C anyway (because yaboot.conf is in /target/etc/), so would the best way to get past this problem be to copy yaboot.conf and then edit the copy to include

boot=/target/dev/sda2 ?

 Also, to boot from osx on /dev/sda3, should I include
macosx=/target/dev/sda3 (because this is presumably evaluated when ybin installs the bootloader ?)

I guess I'll need to set the PATH too, so it can find nvsetenv and hfsutil. Anything else I'm missing ?

 Or is there a better way to install on this box ?

 das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce

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