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Re: Feedback on patch to PowerPC ports pmac page requested

>>>>> "Sven" == Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> writes:

    Sven> On Sat, Oct 22, 2005 at 07:24:23PM -0700, Shyamal Prasad
    Sven> wrote:
    >> the G4) you also have the option of choosing a 2.4 kernel in
    >> case your hardware is really old. However most hardware built
    >> after 2001 should be well supported by the default 2.6 kernel.

    Sven> No way, there is no chance of a 2.4 kernel supporting more
    Sven> hardware than the 2.6 kernels, the only reason to keep it at
    Sven> all was for those people needing external modules which
    Sven> where not rewritten for 2.6, and because of a
    Sven> at-that-time-unsolved in the miboot floppies generator.

Cool. I did not know why the 2.4 kernels were out there which is why I
wanted the patch reviewed. Thanks.

    Sven> The other reason to use 2.4 kernels was if you ran apus or
    Sven> if nubus powermacs, but the first one, i know 4 users left
    Sven> and the first of those tested it yesterday since sarge,
    Sven> while the second was not officially supported in sarge,
    Sven> altough this may change for etch.

So perhaps the statement needs to be something like

"For users of the powerpc flavour a 2.4 kernel is also provided to
support Amiga Power-UP (apus) systems, and as a fall back for users
with external kernel modules that are not available for the 2.6

Or should we also document the miboot issue? (I don't know much about
it, never used an old world Mac for Linux).


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