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Re: [PATCH] apm-emu displays time till battery is fully charged

Soeren Sonnenburg <debianppc-ml@nn7.de> wrote:
> Hi Ben & all,
> I am using this patch since IIRC kernel 2.8. without trouble, and I
> wonder what is needed to get it included in the kernel ? I posted it on
> the kernel list, ben said some unconvincing words about it and it did
> not get included :/
> As it seems easy to do, if there is something I have to cleanup/think of
> say so, or please include/push it otherwise.
> It is nice having the gnome-battery applet display the time until the
> battery is fully charged - isn't it ?

Why not use /proc/pmu/ for this? Do the real apm has this facility? Maybe
it is not implemented, because it couldn't be there.

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