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Re: Fwd: Re: alsa juk

Ray Kohler ha scritto:
Sounds like your mixer settings are lost at reboot,
so the sound is there but too quiet to hear. Do
'dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base' and choose "always
autosave". That way whatever sound levels you choose
(use 'alsamixer' to set them) will be saved when you
shut down and reloaded when you boot.


I tried but it does not help. After dpkg-rconfigure alsa-base "always autosafe" I even run alsactl store (only he second time, so I tried once with this and once without) and always the same thing: kmix has a red circle with a white cross when I open it there are no options and there is no sound. So it is not the problem the sound would be too feeble. It just does not work and I have to reconfigure everything.


--- Björn Schöpe <bjoern.schoepe@gmx.de> wrote:

After the last installation I got a problem with
alsa in a KDE 3.3.2. After running alsaconf everything works perfectly, but after a reboot alsa is no longer running, so I have to run alsaconf again. There is no /etc/init.d/alsa, but I'm not sure about how
handles this.
Can anyone give me an advice?
Thanks a lot.

PS With amarok I can listen musica, but Juk (2.1.2)
just does not work. Video-files work fine, too (mplayer, xine, kaffeine). Juk does not give me any error messages. When I press play, everything goes (the position inidcatore moves, the equalizer..) but no sound. When I try to reread the directory it does not do it, like freayes on the information of yesterday, so I cannot let it read new files.

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