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stepping down ibook g3

I want to slow down my cpu, a friend of mine told me that its
possible. I want to slow down the cpu to 400mhz or so to save battery
energie but i dont know how :(. Also my pbbutons dont work right :/.
Here is my config file

# configfile for pbbuttonsd >= version 0.5
# for options see man pbbuttonsd.conf

onAC_sleep              = no
onAC_dim                = no
onAC_blank              = no
onAC_Tsleep             = 0
onAC_Tdim               = 600
onAC_Thdoff             = 720
onBattery_sleep         = yes
onBattery_dim           = yes
onBattery_blank         = yes
onBattery_Tsleep        = 3000  ; time in 1/10s
onBattery_Tdim          = 600   ; time in 1/10s
onBattery_Thdoff        = 24     ; time in multiple of 5 second intervals
SleepKey                = 116
SleepKeyDelay           = no     ; yes = dangerous, if the power key
is used to trigger sleep
BWL_First               = 21     ; first battery warnlevel, time in minutes
BWL_Second              = 10     ; second battery warnlevel, time in minutes
BWL_Last                = 3      ; last battery warnlevel, time in minutes
Script_BatCritical      = "/sbin/snooze"
#Script_ProfChanged      = "/etc/power/pwrctl-pbbuttonsd %s" 
#Script_ProfChanged      = ""
Script_HDSetup          = "/sbin/hdparm -p -S %d /dev/hda"
CPULoad_sleeplock       = yes
CPULoad_min             = 20      ; value in percent
CPULoad_period          = 20      ; time in seconds
NETLoad_sleeplock       = yes
NETLoad_min             = 4096    ; trafic in Bytes/s
NETLoad_period          = 20      ; time in seconds
NETLoad_device          = eth1

#Brightness             = 12      ; initial brightness level
BrightnessupKey         = 60
BrightnessdownKey       = 59
dev_framebuffer         = "/dev/fb0"
UseFBBlank              = yes

dev_mixer               = "/dev/mixer"
volume                  = 70       ; initial volume level
speakers_muted          = no       ; mute after startup?
volumeupkey             = 63
volumedownkey           = 62
mutekey                 = 61
mixerinitdelay          = no

dev_cdrom               = "/dev/cdrom"
ejectcdkey              = 88
ejectcddelay            = no

dev_pmu                 = "/dev/pmu"
dev_adb                 = "/dev/adb"
tpmodeupkey             = 66
tpmodedownkey           = 65
tpmode                  = notap
kbdmode                 = fkeysfirst
replace_pmud            = yes


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