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Re: XFree86 on G3/266

Yes, I am using BootX -- and starting linux from inside MacOS. I upgraded to kernel version 2.4.18 as suggested by some others, and X successfuly booted. After reading this, I tried booting into the 2.2.20 kernel and X started-up without a hitch.

Thanks for all of the help,

Nathan S. wrote:

--- Ian Pushee <bright@giantsquid.net> wrote:
Still can't figure out the problem -- I'm including the XF86Config-4 configuration file. My kernel is version 2.2.20, and the system is so far a base install of Woody (3.0r0) in pretty much every way.


Ian, I have a similar system: beige g3, woody, kernel 2.2.20.  I also
had the same exact problem.  I'm assuming you must use BootX to start
linux.  Do you start using the bootx application or do you start linux
once the macos has finished starting up?  Whenever I try to boot linux
from inside MacOS I get the same problem, but when I start linux during
startup (the bootx extension) things run fine.

Good luck and please share any information that you find.

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