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Re: Can't boot with new kernel

I tried different things to boot my new kernel.

miBoot on a floppy
I made a floppy with boot-floppy-hfs.img and edit the System folder with
ResEdit to boot with my filesystem.  I changed the root param to
I think this boot the kernel on the floppy with my filesystem

miBoot and new kernel
I tried to make a new boot floppy with my own kernel.  I used the scripts found
at http://cvs.debian.org/boot-floppies/powerpc-specials/miBoot/ to build my
boot floppy.
The floppy boots the system and I see the icon of the penguin instead of the
MacOS icon, however at a certain point it freezes and I must reboot.  I don't
get any error message, the computer simply stops to read from the drive and
hang there with the penguin icon.  By the way, the kernel image I used on the
floppy is the one found at arch/ppc/boot/images/miboot.image

I also tried to simply replace the zImage file on the floppy with my own.
hdel zImage
hcopy miboot.image :zImage
The computer hangs the same way as above.

I tried to boot with quik with almost all the different images produced by the
make and found under arch/ppc/boot/images
The first three ones give a unknown image format error
The last one gives a DEFAULT CATCH!, code=FFF00300
And the standard vmlinux begin to load and gives a returning 0x00000000 from

I am not sure if it I can't boot because of the bootloader or because I didn't
configured the kernel properly.  I guess that the zImage found on the
boot-floppy-hfs is the same than the one currently on my system, provided by
the Woody 3.0 installation.
Anybody has a hint for me?  Does the image has to be an a HFS partition or
miboot can load it from the linux file system?  Can I use the floppy to boot a
kernel on the hard drive?

What can I do to get more detailed error message when the boot fails?  What
should I do the be sure that my kernel config is correct?



Lèche-vitrine ou lèche-écran ?

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