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Mounting CDROM

I've just installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 833Mhz iMac 17"LCD. I cannot mount cdrom drive.

In /dev/cdrom the link to cdrom shows as:
lrwxrwxrwx  1  root  root        3  Nov 21  11:50  cdrom -> hdb
and hdb shows as:
brw-rw----     1  root  disk  3,  64 Mar 14   2002  hdb

In /etc/fstab the line for /cdrom is:
/dev/cdrom    /cdrom    iso9960    ro,user,noauto    0    0

But when I do:
mount cdrom  [as root]
hdb: driver not present
mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device

Since I installed Woody from the official CDs, I would have assumed the driver for the CDROM is in place. Why am I getting "hdb: driver not present"? Likewise, why is /dev/cdrom showing as not a valid device?

Any assistance for a debian newbie or pointers to the relevant doc greatly appreciated. Thanks. --HU

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