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Re: running debian on a mac laptop

On Nov 02 2002, Eric Deveaud wrote:
> other fact to consider, is that iBook is much more robust than tiBook.

	I don't know about this.

> but it's "only" a G3

	Yes, and this speaks huge volumes. See the archives for all my
	struggles trying to get DVD playing on my late 2001 iBook2
	(600MHz) under Linux.

	The lack of vectorial instructions really makes a difference.
	OTOH, everything else works ok on this machine (besides it
	being dog slow). The battery life is nice, though.

	Oh, and do not even attempt to use MacOS X unless you have
	huge quantities of RAM (the iBook has a limit of "only" 640MB,
	which OS X is apparently able to fill quite quickly -- Linux's
	programs, OTOH, seem to use memory with a lot of parsimony).

	And the fink project is not as nice as Debian. The last time I
	checked, you had to compile most packages yourself, they
	didn't have security updates etc.

	Hope this helps, Roger...

 Rogério Brito - rbrito@users.sf.net - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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