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Success with IBM JDK 1.3.0 for PPC _WITH_ JIT


just to make you Debian people know I had no problem running the latest IBM JDK 1.3.0 for PPC Linux.

This JDK includes a JVM _WITH_ JIT, and outperformes by far the Blackdown JVM.

The IBM JDK is not free (in the sense of liberté) but is not for sale either... Well, java is not free anyway...

You can find it at http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/dklx130/dklx130-p

Just untar the archive somewhere (/usr/local for example), set up the environment (JAVA_HOME, JDK_HOME, I do it in /etc/environment), make sure you make the link /etc/alternatives/java point to JAVA_HOME/bin/java (I did it with ln -s, but there must be a Debian script (update-alternatices ?) that .debs use to do it) and your up and running !

Best regards,

Franck Routier
Franck Routier
SHC - Support FIH9

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