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Re: find if eth0 up

Here is the script ... Enjoy


IFCONFIG="/sbin/ifconfig $1"

ISIT=`$IFCONFIG | grep "UP" | wc -l`;

if test $ISIT -gt 0;
  echo "Yup ... $1 is up!";
  echo "Nope ... No $1 or it'sn't up!";


Add a checker. You need one argument which is the device you're looking
Suppress the error message if no device is present in the system.

On Thu, 9 May 2002, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:

> I'm trying to clarify my own question:
> What is the easiest way in bash to find if eth0 is up?
> Thanks
> Rory

Jean-Francois Gobin - Administrateur gobinjf.be
http://www.gobinjf.be   mailto:gobin@gobinjf.be

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