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Re: debootstrap: Couldn't download exim

I'm not understanding what I need to do to get around this. When you say that I downloaded the packages from one mirror and the files from another, which files vs packages do you mean? To me they are all files, and the install program decides which files/packages to download.

I guess I should mention that I am doing a network install, not from a cd or a local mirror. I have put the files yaboot, linux, and root.bin on my harddrive, booted from them, and then am trying to get the rest to download and install.

On Friday, January 11, 2002, at 02:02  PM, Timothy Middelkoop wrote:

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Gnu iBook 2 wrote:

I tried the JP mirror with the same result. How do I tell which
mirror is in sync?

It's the fact that you downloaded the packages from one machine, and the files from another, dns round-robbin? Or it flipped over (mirror updated) while you were downloading, the packages get updated before the files do
leaving a window where some packages do not exist... debootstrap also
keeps the package listings arround which you may need to zap by hand, its in /target/var ???? I just zaped those and tryed another mirror. and it
worked (it failed on exim also)

hope this helps, tim...

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Gnu iBook 2 wrote:
I am trying to install woody on my ibook, but it craps out on me while installing the base packages. I can boot into the install, and I have formatted the drive and installed the kernel. but part way into 'Install Base system" it craps out. Here is what the log from terminal 3 says:

dbootstrap: running '/usr/sbin/debootstrap --boot-floppies -arch powerpc woody /target http://http.us.debian.org:80/debian'

error: Couldn't download exim

And that is all she wrote. I cannot get past this point. Any ideas?

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