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how play MCDs on Cube G4

Hello all, 

I've grabbed the list but did not find a working 
solution for playing music CDs with my cube G4. 

Cube G4 450
Debian Woody 3.0
lsmod shows loaded modules: 

What's working:
mpg123 plays mp3 files
aumix works for volume, bass, treble

Half working:
xmms can be watched start playing the MCD 
	But: there is no sound to hear

What's not working: 
command music cdplayers like workbone, cdcd: no sound 

I would prefer workbone on Linux-console, but I see no way
to activate the numblock in a way that workbone accepts. 
The other keys work nearly perfect on the console with 
the Pro Keyboard (german layout)

I also tested the script "cdda2wav...cdir..sed..." someone 
suggested in this list for playing mcds. 
The effect is a kind of white noise from the Macspeakers. 

Do you have any suggestions? 


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