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RE: Newbie apt-get question


Fair enough, thanks again for all of your help!!

Barry deFreese
NTS Technology Services Manager
Nike Team Sports

"Technology doesn't make you less stupid; it just makes you stupid faster."
Jerry Gregoire - Former CIO at Dell

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilhelm *Rafial* Fitzpatrick [mailto:rafial@well.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 4:53 PM
To: deFreese, Barry
Cc: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: Newbie apt-get question

At 4:38 PM -0700 7/30/02, deFreese, Barry wrote:
>O.K., I fixed my XFree86 problem and am now running  Now my
>question is, how do I get it running in 1024x768 or 1280x1024?  I am using
>the FBDevice and the only options configure in my XF86Config-4 is "800x600"
>and "640x480".  Can I just add entries for "1024x768", etc to the

You've just flown out of my area of knowledge, yes, you need to add 
entries to XF86Config-4 but they are all magic to me.  I usually 
search the mailing list or google around until I find a sample 
XF86Config-4 from somebody that has the same sort of machine as I 

             Wilhelm Fitzpatrick  |  When we speak of free
          http://www.3roses.com/  |  software we are referring
                 rafial@well.com  |  to freedom not price.

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