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Re: Hello, and a utter-newbie question...

On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 08:56:06PM -0500, Bob B wrote:
> I purchased a PowerMAC 5500/225. Got it cheap, and figured I would have some 
> fun with MacOS. Well, after the first time that MacOS 'sang' an error to me, 
> I decided to consign it (the os, not the hardware!) to the dustbin, and 
> install Linux.
> Of course, I have NO experience with Linux.
> >From my understanding (I am going over any PPC documentation I can find, 
> mostly at Netbsd.org, Linuxppc.org, and here at Debian), there is more to it 
> then simply popping in a CD and conducting my install from there. I have a 
> vague understanding (I think) of Open Firmware, etc.
> The questions: (finally!)
> A) My main concern/question: Do I need, in any way, shape, or form, MacOS? I 
> have 9.1 installed, but no installation CD for it. I would just as soon get 
> rid of it, completely, but all the documents I read so far seem to indicate 
> that a MacOS partition is neccesary?

Reuired reading: the installation manual. It's a tome, but well worth
it. If you're installing from CD, that will be the 'potato' or
'stable' or '2.2' version of the manual. If you install by downloading
over the net, thewoody version in my .sig will be better.

The answer to your question is, no. You don't need MacOS. Without a
CD, though, you won't be able to change your mind - unless you back it
up to an external drive or something. Actually, without a CD and with
only one hard drive, you're going to have to partition that disk
anyway, and that means losing whatever's on it. So you might as well
bite the bullet.

Happy reading...

*------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------*
|      <http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/installmanual>      |
|   debian-imac (potato): <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>   |
|            Chris Tillman        tillman@azstarnet.com          |
|                   May the Source be with you                   |

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