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Install method?

Hi Folks,

I'm a newbie to Debian-PPC, but have been using Debian i386 for years. I've got a Power Tower Pro 225 that I've had around doing not much of anything, so I decided to make it a linux box. I also heard about Mac on Linux, and that really pushed me over the edge.

I didn't want to wait till I could get a CD-ROM from Linux Central, and I wanted woody, so I decided to try installation from floppy. I got the 5 floppy images (root, boot, driver 1, driver 2, rescue) from ftp.debian.org. However, I can't find the base floppy images, nor can I find the base2_2.tgz file mentioned in the install instructions (which, if need be, I could share via NFS with my other debian box).

What am I missing?


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
http://www.murrain.net/public_key.html for pgp public key

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