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Re: Kernel Drivers in PPC build: where are they?

Hi Laurent,

On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 09:54:30AM -0700, Laurent de Segur wrote:

> ............................... I still like the machine better
> though, so it's worse the extra efforts ;-)

If you mean worth instead of worse - so most of us do so, I think ;-) 

> Is the loading mechanism for kernel modules supported on the PPC platform?

Read /Documentation/kmod.txt in the kernel-sources ;-)
Eventually you're interested in <man modprobe> and so on .... 

> Can I compile my kernel without a specific module then compile the driver
> and store it in /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/ or am I better off compiling
> as a big monolithic kernel? 

Why you want compile a lonley kernel and by a second effort any
driver (is that the way to do in x86, you mentioned above?)
I mean, AFAIK you decide compiling drivers in the kernel _or_compile 
it as module ... 
- am I wrong or misunderstanding your willing?

> My problem is understanding where the kernel
> image stored on the bootstrap partition (vmlinux) kicks in the root
> partition and can see the drivers if it can see them at all on it.
> I was looking at the PowerPC installation disk for debian. I noticed that
> there is a file in there called drivers.tar.gz. What am I supposed to do
> with this file?

Why don't let the installation do this and compile your own kernel
after you installed from a working system?

> Should I leave it in the bootstrap dir uncompressed next to
> yaboot and vmlinux files? Decompress it and move it in the /lib/modules/ dir
> in my root partition? Puzzled.

Hmmm ;-/ .

So AFAIK (and did) you have to compile the kernel (with debian ) the
following way (as root):

cd /usr/src/linux (or whereever the kernel-sources are)

make config 
(or make menuconfig or make xconfig - last recommended if it works on 
your install)

make-kpkg kernel_image

cd ..

dpkg -i kernel-image*

This should install the vmlinux in /boot and links /vmlinux to it and
install all the drivers you choosen as module in /lib/modules/2.*.* .

Hope that helps



Georg Koss

mailto: g.koss@eunet.at

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