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Re: X together with dual scan passive matrix PB display

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 11:03:57AM +0200, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, leif wrote:
> > 
> > Kernel config, is that a command [did not seem like]? I launched 
> > linuxconfig, through which I was able to reread the start up commands. 
> > There I could read about my graphic card the following:
> > 
> > *macdisplay /pci/aty, 264LT-G
> > *using unsupported 800*600 ATY,264LT-G at 82800480, depth=16, pitch=1600
> > *console: switching to colour frame buffer device 100*37
> > *fbo: open firmware frame buffer device on /pci/aty, 264LT-G
> > 
> > I do understand some of this. But what I most of all would like to know 
> > is the nature of "unsupported". And what mens 100*37? I also suppose 
> Unsupported means that no real driver was found (did you compile in atyfb?) so
> it falls back to offb.
or because he specified so in the boot options. IIRC, otherwise it would not
boot at all.
The video chip, Leif, is definitely one of the RAGE LT series, aka Mach64,
like in all Wallstreet and Lombard PBs.
I guess the atyfb driver should certainly be in the default potato kernel?
So it might be a problem with the 12" Display, which has 600x800 resolution
unlike all other G3 series PBs. Specifying the resolution with vmode as a
boot parameter might help, though I can't remember which is the correct one
for 600x800 -- vmode=11, 12 or 13 might work (14 is 768x1024), but that should
not be too hard to find out. The LinuxPPC install manual, e.g. used to have 
a listing of all available video modes.

You'll find a lot of useful info on Sergio's page


though this focuses, as most, also on the newer PBs with 14" active matrix 

I've found a modeline in my old XF86Config that *might* work for your 

# Apple PowerBook G3
Modeline "800x600"  100  800  816  824  840   600  616  624  640 -hsync -vsync
(put into Section "Monitor" for an XFree 3.3 config).
BTW, the Gnome will _never_ work without the X server running, so you'd 
really need to get this fixed first. Gnome is rather one of the last things 
I would try to get working, actually.


Derek Homeier                                   Phone:     ++1 (706) 542 5043 
Department of Physics & Astronomy               Fax:       ++1 (706) 542 2492 
University of Georgia                           
Athens, GA 30602-2451, USA                      Email:  derek@physast.uga.edu 

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